An Introduction to Heart Coherence
and the Resilience Advantage™ Program

To speak of Heart Coherence is to speak of efficiency.
When we are in coherence the nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and immune systems work in harmony and efficiently.

What are the benefits of being in Heart Coherence? In general terms, Heart Coherence increases our resilience (the ability to prepare for, recover from and adapt to a situation of stress) and sharpens our intuition.  It also reduces stress and anxiety.  It improves the immune system.  It improves the quality of sleep. Increases energy levels. Improves attention and concentration. Increases learning and problem-solving skills.

More than 25 years of research, based on scientific evidence, support the results of the Resilience Advantage™ Program.  It is used by major hospitals, law enforcement agencies, police, firefighters, the military, successful businesses and Olympic athletes.

We are in an era where global change is an accelerated process. The need to learn skills and strategies, based on scientific evidence, to reduce stress levels is essential, both on a personal and professional level. The quality of our relationships, our performance at work, and our physical and mental health depend on our ability to be resilient.

(Studies performed by the HeartMath Institute)

$2M annual savings in turnover costs
$2000 annual savings/member in Health Care costs
40-70% incident rate reductions
continued increases in engagement metrics

Let us help you improve your bottom line today!  Companies are making money from the top and down and losing money from the bottom up!

Schedule a consultation

The Resilience Advantage™ Program

This program can be presented to your team or group on our property, live at your facility, or live online via Zoom.  

What's included:  *Personal and Organizational                                                       Assessment both before and after                                         program
                             *Inner Balance™ Trainer technology for                                       each participant
                             *Resilience Advantage™ workbooks for
                                   each participant

Cost:  Depends on number of participants/location/length                 of program

Guarantee:  The assessments are used to demonstrate the 
                       change in your team or organization using a
                       variety of metrics.  We can effectively
                       measure metrics of engagement as well as 
                       different types of stress both individually 
                       and organizationally.   If your program fee 
                       does not pay for itself within 6 months, we
                       will continue working with you at no charge
                       until your investment is recovered.

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